Licences and author's rights

If not stated differently, the authors of the photos and illustrations are Vojtěch Smidek, Filip Chludil and Ludvík Kunc.
All of these works are protected by the author's rights and therefore cannot be used without the author's permission. The photos and illustrations can occur in several regimes of licence agreement which are stated below. Please respect these author's rights.

The summary of licences and author's rights

If no licence is chosen and no complementary text concerning the author's rights is defined, the photo is automatically considered to be the property of its owner and it is not permitted to use it for other purposes without the author's permission.

Copyright – All Rights Reserved:

The usage of the work must be arranged directly with its author. It doesn't have to mean that the author will not provide it (or demand money for it) – but it is necessary to agree on the usage with the author.

Public Domain – The work is free to use:

The work is free to use, it is possible to modify it and to use it commercially. The name of the author does not have to be stated.

CC-BY Creative Commons Attribution License:

The work can be copied and changed on condition that the name of the original author is stated.

CC-BY-NC Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License:

The work can be copied and changed but only for unprofitable purposes. The author's name must be stated.

CC-BY-ND Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs License:

The work can be copied but not changed. The author's name must be stated.

CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License:

The work can be copied and changed but the modified work must be stated under the same licence as it was originally obtained. The author's name must be stated.

CC-BY-NC-SD Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs License:

The work can be used only for unprofitable purposes and it cannot be modified. The author's name must be stated.

CC-BY-NC-SA Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike License:

The work can be used for noncommercial purposes but under the same licence as it was originally obtained. The author's name must be stated.


Obamova administrativa navrhuje zrušení ochrany vlků

Americké úřady navrhly úplné zrušení ochrany vlků, kteří byli dosud v zemi na seznamu ohrožených druhů. Ke zrušení ochrany těchto savců by mělo dojít po čtyřiceti letech snahy, ... více zde.

Články z časopisu Příroda

Pro milovníky zajímavostí z říše zvířat máme potěšující zprávu. Domluvili jsme se s šéfredaktorem časopisu Příroda Markem Teličkou na další formě spolupráce. Zaujal nás ... více zde.

Po 100 letech se v Česku vylíhl orel skalní

Ochráncům přírody se splnil sen. Po více než 100 letech se ve volné přírodě v Česku vylíhlo mládě vyhubeného orla skalního. Úspěch se dostavil po sedmi letech projektu Návrat orla ... více zde.

The quotation of the day

The joy of observing is bigger than the pleasure of owning or influencing the life of animals.

- Ludvík Kunc -

Wolf - box quotation

© 2013 CWFA & Élysion
Webmaster: Élysion - Vojtěch Smidek | Photos: Filip Chludil | Illustrations: Ludvík Kunc